Well researched and documented, this highly readable account shatters the myths created by the Zionist propaganda machine. Share it with your coworkers and community leaders.
Myths: The “ten myths”—repeated endlessly in the media, enforced by the military, and accepted without question by the world’s governments—reinforce the regional status quo and include:
1. Palestine was an Empty Land
2, The Jews were a people without a Land
3, Zionism is Judaism
4. Ziopnism is Notg Colonialism
5. The Palestionians voluntarily left their Homeland in 1948
6. The June 1967 was was a war of "No Choice."
7. Isrfael is the Only Democracy in the Middle East
8. The Oslo Mytholgies
9. The Gaza Mythologies
10. The Two-State Solution is the only way forward.
- English