This masterful work of Professor Doi continues, as it has done for many years, to provide an authoritative reference for university teachers and students, as well as being enlightening for wider general readers, for it is by the Shari'ah that the balance, effectiveness - and above all the ability to administer justice - of other legal systems can be truly assessed. A detailed manual on the permitted and prohibited in Islam in regards to most external and social matters, with this one dedicating a good portion upfront to the principles of jurisprudence, resulting in a handy volume that has both theory and practice of shari'ah.
This Best seller has now been revised and enlarged , a must for every Muslim household, this best seller is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of Islamic Law including family relations, marriage and divorce, crime and punishment, inheritance and disposal of property, economics and much more.
The Revised Work done by Abdassamad Clarke include:
Qur'an Translations are from The Noble Qur'an A New Rendering of its Meaning in English By Aisha and Abdalhaq Bewley
Hadith have been located, ascertained and translated with reference to to the standard commentaries
Ibn Juzayy's Work and many other sources on Usul Fiqh and Tafsir have been used in the translation
Aisha Bewley's unpublished translation of the Risalah on Ibn Zayd Qayrawani has been used in many places.
- English
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