Tuhfatus Shabaab: A Gift for the Youth of the Ummah

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14 days
Age Group:12+ Yrs
Dimensions:15 x 21 cm (5.9 x 8.3 in)
Publisher:Jamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board (JUT Publishing)
Year of Publication:2019

Navigating the journey from childhood to adulthood as a Muslim can be challenging and transformative. "Tuhfatush Shabaab: An Ideal Gift For The Youth Of The Ummah" is a vital resource that provides guidance and support for young Muslims during this crucial period of life. The book focuses on the importance of understanding and preparing for the physical, emotional, and mental changes that come with Buloogh (puberty) and the responsibilities that follow.

Recognizing the vulnerability of youth and the various challenges and influences they face, this book aims to help young Muslims identify and protect themselves from potential evils. It offers valuable solutions for those who may have already been affected by negative influences and emphasizes the role of teachers in providing detailed explanations and addressing questions on sensitive topics.

Drawing from an array of books and articles on relevant subjects, "Tuhfatush Shabaab" is a compilation of knowledge and wisdom that will help guide young Muslims in their quest for spiritual growth and understanding. The authors express gratitude to Allah Ta’ala and all those who contributed to this work, asking for blessings and success in this world and the Akhirah.

Dedicated to the youth, this book aims to be a beacon of guidance and support during one of the most challenging times in their lives. 


Partial Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................ i

Part 1........................................................................................1

Chapter 1............................................................................................. 2

BULOOGH (PUBERTY)............................................................................. 2

CLEANLINESS ........................................................................................... 3 ISTINJAA................................................................................................... 4 CIRCUMCISION......................................................................................... 6

JANAABAT & WETDREAMS..................................................................... 8

Chapter 2 ...........................................................................................10 HAIR.........................................................................................................10 CLOTHES..................................................................................................16

PERFUME (ITAR).....................................................................................23

Chapter 3 .......................................................................................... 27

PHYSICAL FITNESS - TRAINING ..............................................................27

PERMISSIBLE SPORTS ............................................................................27

Chapter 4 – Bad Habits .................................................................... 36 MUSIC..................................................................................................... 36 SMOKING................................................................................................ 38

INTOXICANTS .............................................................


  • English
Age Group:
12+ Yrs
15 x 21 cm (5.9 x 8.3 in)
Jamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board (JUT Publishing)
Year of Publication:
Tuhfatus Shabaab: A Gift for the Youth of the Ummah

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